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Rethink. Renew. Recycle.

Baumer hhs. Sustainable. Solution-oriented.

Sustainability is on everyone's lips. We are only at the beginning of an exciting journey. But what does sustainability actually mean in a company like Baumer hhs? Questions we have asked ourselves:
How can we be

  • Economically sustainable for our customers in the market?

  • Socially sustainable for our employees and our environment?

  • Ecologically sustainable for our company and the environment?

These questions have led us to the new Baumer hhs motto: Rethink. Renew. Recycle.

Our products stand for:

  • Efficient energy usage

  • Long service life

  • Repairability

  • Adhesive saving

  • Cost saving

  • Resource saving

  • Reduced carbon footprint

Our cooperation partners


4evergreen is a cross-industry alliance, that fosters synergies among companies promoting low-carbon and circular fibre-based packaging.

The organisation is driven by the insights and initiatives of its members through four technical working groups that focus on different aspects of fibre-based packaging..

We at Baumer hhs are proud to be part of this cooperation.

See here the Circularity by Design guideline  Baumer hhs worked out with other industry specialists.


Together with the agency natureOffice, Baumer hhs is working on a forward-looking sustainability strategy. In the first step, the CO2 footprint is determined with the inclusion of all 3 scopes. This serves as a basis for defining reduction targets and anchoring a long-term climate protection strategy in the company.

Environmentally aware and future-oriented - Our projects

Also internally, we are constantly asking ourselves how we can contribute to climate protection and sustainable production.


The following internal projects have already been implemented:

  • Since June 22, Baumer hhs in Krefeld and in Berlin uses exclusively green electricity from renewable energy sources.

  • Determination of the CO2 footprint of Baumer hhs as a basis for CO2 reduction projects

  • Our GlueCalc-calculator calculates exactly how much glue and CO2 our customers can save

  • Filling material for shipping packages made from renewable raw materials

  • Replacing plastic with recyclate in production

  • Plastic-free shipping notes and mailers

  • Shuttle packaging

  • Development projects on the subject of "sustainable packaging" and organic adhesives


Sustainability Brochure

For further information




Baumer hhs Embraces Sustainability and Circular Economy for a Greener Future





Adhesives and Recycling

Strategies for Improvement


Rethink. Renew. Recycle. - On Demand