Webinar archive

Learn from our experts
At Baumer hhs, we are committed to providing our customers and prospects with up-to-date and helpful information at all times. Our webinar archive is a key part of this commitment and offers you easy and convenient access to all our past webinars.
In our GlueTube Channel you have the opportunity to access a wealth of information free of charge. In doing so, you can easily browse through our webinar recordings and learn about the latest products and applications from Baumer hhs.
For example, learn from our experts how you can maximise your productivity while producing sustainably.
Thanks to our webinar archive, you will no longer miss any Baumer hhs news and can find out about the latest solutions retrospectively, regardless of date or location.
During our live webinars you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with our experts. But our professionals are also there for you during our webinar recordings. If you have any questions or would like more information, simply contact us at: marketing@baumerhhs.com.