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The importance of responsible resource management in packaging production

Managing resources responsibly is crucial for ensuring environmental sustainability and the longevity of our planet's ecosystems. Overexploitation of natural resources leads to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and severe impacts on climate change. The efficient and mindful use of resources is essential to balance economic growth with ecological preservation, ensuring that future generations inherit a habitable planet.

The Specific Case of Adhesives

The production and disposal of conventional adhesives often involve non-renewable resources and generate significant waste.

Transitioning to sustainable adhesives, which are made from renewable resources and are designed to be less harmful, is a critical step in reducing environmental impact. Bio-based adhesives, for example, use natural polymers derived from plants, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and minimizing carbon footprint. Additionally, developing adhesives that are easier to recycle or that degrade more harmlessly in the environment can significantly mitigate the adverse effects associated with traditional adhesive use.


World Overshoot Day

World Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity's demand for ecological resources in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. This day serves as a stark reminder of the urgency to adopt sustainable practices across all sectors, including the adhesive industry. In 2024, Earth Overshoot Day fell on 1th, August highlighting the accelerated rate at which we consume resources beyond the planet's capacity to replenish them .

To mitigate this overshoot, industries must innovate and adopt greener alternatives and production technologies. For adhesives, this means prioritizing the development and use of products that are both effective and environmentally friendly. In packaging production technology it is important to minimize the adhesive use to the amount which the packaging functionality requires. Consumers and businesses alike play a role in this transition by choosing sustainable products and supporting companies that prioritize ecological responsibility.


Responsible resource management is vital for the sustainability of our planet. In the case of adhesives, moving towards sustainable alternatives can significantly reduce environmental impact. By acknowledging the implications of World Overshoot Day and striving to adopt greener practices, we can collectively work towards a more sustainable future.



The Sugra (“Sustainable Gluing with renewable Adhesives”) Project:

Baumer hhs and 4evergreen:

Baumer hhs and Sustainability:

Adhesives and Recycling:


Thomas Walther

Baumer hhs